Lessons Learned from the 5-minute investor pitch

by | Apr 26, 2024 | Busiines Plans | 0 comments

Mastering the Pitch Process

Inunity - the 5-minute investor pitch

I’ve been with large and small companies, with each looking in their own way to emerge and grow, and I’ve created and presented programs for approval to all levels of a company or a customer. But, even with all that experience, the best learning in captivating decision-makers has been preparing and presenting new ideas and companies to investors, all within 5 minutes.

Talk about needing to get to the point, creating clarity for people unfamiliar with your business and industry, and needing thick skin to absorb “constructive” criticism… this is great learning and very adaptable to all presentations.

What did I learn?

1. What to present. Clear visuals, a large growth market and pain points that can exploited, a well-researched set of facts, evidence, i.e., proof of concept, a methodical and logical business strategy and business model, a competitively distinctive and interesting value proposition, a team that is passionate and can execute, and an ROI that manages risk and can be achieved in a pre-defined timetable. All stated clearly and to the point.

2. How to present. Show genuine enthusiasm. Weave points into an engaging story. Connect with your audience through eye contact, simple language, interactive elements, and at all times, smiling. Express gratitude. Makes the presentation personal, understandable, and memorable. You know that 30-second elevator pitch. Practice, it’s a 5-minute elevator ride.

Sounds simple. It is. Sounds similar to presenting to peers, bosses, and the C-Suite? It is. That’s why this is a short blog.

Do we have this mentality each time we’re preparing slides and our talking points? Whether for 5, 15, or 30 minutes? I strive to do this each time. What about you? If not, let’s talk.

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Andy Gray


(954) 684-7798



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