So, Your Grant Got Rejected. Why?

by | Jun 28, 2024 | Grants | 0 comments

You Thought You Nailed It

You did put a lot of time in, thinking you crossed the t’s and dotted the i’s. It can definitely be disheartening. But now is the time to analyze why your grant was not successful so you can improve future applications and ultimately secure funding.

Here are some common reasons why grants get rejected:

1. Lack of Alignment with Funding Priorities

Granting agencies have specific priorities. Re-read the solicitation and ask yourself if your project aligned with these priorities. Have an outsider compare their priorities to your proposal. Seek feedback from the funding agency; some provide scores and comments with rejections or upon request. This helps refine future submissions.

2. Incomplete or Incorrect Application

Attention to detail is crucial. Missing documents, incorrect forms, or incomplete sections lead to disqualification. Re-read requirements. Did you submit every required document in the correct format? Answer all prompts? This may sound silly, but did you meet font and spacing guidelines? Whatever got overlooked, note it for the next time.

3. Insufficient Project Design

It’s all about project viability. Did you clearly explain the need? Were your objectives “SMART,” your expected outcomes and timelines realistic? Were your solutions easy to understand, maybe innovative? Was there an evaluation plan? Did you provide a sustainable plan post the grant period? Funders need to see that your project is well thought out and feasible.

4. Budget Issues

An unrealistic or insufficiently justified budget can raise red flags. Review it. Were all the line items detailed, allowable, reasonable, and in alignment with the project scope? Math errors, if any, reduces your score and credibility. Did you match correctly if required​?

5. Lack of Organizational Capacity

Funders need assurance that your organization can successfully implement the project. If your proposal did not effectively highlight your team’s expertise, past successes, relevant expertise for the project, and partnerships, it might have failed to build confidence in your ability to deliver on your promises​.

6. Stiff Competition

Sometimes, even strong proposals get rejected due to high competition. Understanding the competitive landscape can help you better tailor your proposal or identify less saturated funding opportunities.

Turning Rejection into Success

Rejection is a stepping stone to success. Use your self-assessment and the feedback from reviewers to refine your proposal and strengthen your next application. Persistence and continuous improvement are key in the world of grant writing.

Let us know if you’d like us to review what you submitted. Reach out.

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Andy Gray


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